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A FUTURE OF WORK: Superheroes Coworking! - Edition II

Updated: Sep 29, 2022

A lot can happen over a coffee, a meeting should not!

Some meetings require space and little secrecy. A café is no place for superhero meetings. That is why these Marvel and DC heroes have started coworking. Coworking gives them the option to conduct these meetings in a private conference room, where they can brainstorm and make strategies on a whiteboard, instead of tissue papers. There is a major limitation of space and equipment necessary in a café for your squad meetings. Conference room with a fully equipped Audio Visual facility is more suited for Superhero squad meetings than a laptop screen to be shared between your squad on a timid table. Client meetings and secret collaboration meetings (who knows when these Marvel and DC superheroes decide to collaborate) can also be held in these conference rooms, which provide you with right amount of privacy. Also all that noise and hustle-bustle is a big distraction.

Meetings to save the world need privacy and a productive environment - Which can be easily found at coworking spaces B-)

“Cats come when they feel like, not when they’re told.” -Catwoman

Catwoman a.k.a. Selina is the latest one to have joined the coworking tribe. She is more of a night owl, than an early bird. At a coworking space, she has the freedom to choose her own work timings and have the luxury of an office even at odd hours. She saunters in and out of the workspace anytime she pleases .

P.S. Batman burns the midnight oil too ;)

“Slow wifi is worse than no wifi at all” - Cisco

Flash possesses super speed superpowers and its only fair that the speedster’s team has access to high speed internet to keep up with their Scarlet speedster battling meta humans. Team Flash loves working out of the coworking space, because there is always magic in the air called super speed wifi, along with the free tea/coffee.


Deadpool is on a hunt for new people to join the X-Force. When you join his team, you also get to work form an awesome coworking space and meet other superheroes, make new connections and just work with some awesome people. So what are you waiting for. Reach out to us

Sipping coffees and kicking asses! Everyday!

Oh Well! Looks like Deadpool did find a talented human whose superpower is that he saw the newspaper ad, but comes with a knack for overcoming his fears.

Know more about Peter and his professional accomplishments.

And how he is making friends with fear through his blog entry

WELCOME, to X-force & SPACEPLEXX Peter.

Do you want to join the future of work and bring your business to a thriving community and a beautiful coworking space - reach out to us or sign up here.

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