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Plants - the green angels!
“A garden is the purest of human pleasures, and it is the greatest refreshment to the spirits of man.” Francis Bacon. Our planet needs...
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A marathon runner’s take on entrepreneurship.
As distinct and far apart as these two topics appear, I’d think there’s so much to learn from running and incorporating it into our...
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Etiquettes of working at a coworking space.
We call this a coworking space for lack of a better word, but it is a community. We've already learned about community living in our...
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Me and My Naptop : 10 Learnings from a Freelancer's journey.
Looking at things in hindsight is always a fun exercise. You validate and confirm any actions you made in the past in a more mature way...
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Failure sucks but instructs! A safe space for being authentic & vulnerable- Community Conundrum #5
When was the last time you shared your failure in front of people, owning up to the mistakes you made in the past? Silly, right? I mean...
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Preserving the Past For The Future- Reconnecting To Our Roots, Our Identities-Community Conundrum #4
For the past few months, we've been enlightened by many already existent communities in Surat. Some new, some old, some that we only knew...
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Productivity and Discipline are the by-products of a coworking space.
There definitely is something special about coworking spaces. Now we would obviously say that being on this side of the impact. So we...
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Waking up to wisdom in stillness & community! - Community Conundrum #3
This week we explore our third community of Surat. Less to say, we are in total awe with the way this community functions against all...
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Love at First Flight with Ultimate Frisbee! - Community Conundrum #2
What is a community? A bunch of people that get together for a shared hobby, a social unit for a social cause, or an organization where...
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Back to Work, Where we are and How are we ensuring our members & community safety?
Back in 2016 when we got into the coworking business, we began with the intention of providing a safe space where individuals/businesses...
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Brewing belonging and damn good coffee! - Community Conundrum #1
What is our community? My team & I were doing an exercise to define what is our community, what’s its identity, what makes us different,...
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Nobody is flawless!
“ Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. ” - Winston Churchill Mistakes, mishaps, and failures...
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What I learned in two years of running a coworking space.
Thank you for your interest in getting to know about my journey of running a coworking space, I feel truly humbled that you decided to...
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What's the right seating option for you when joining a coworking space?
Coworking spaces usually have a range of plans available to cater to everyone’s needs. From Flexi Desks to Dedicated desks or having your...
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Should You be Considering to Cowork?
If you’re a freelancer, working on your startup or an entrepreneur and don’t know what coworking is, please spare your five minutes to...
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Podcasts on the go! #5
Podcasts are magazine subscriptions for your ears. They are an easy and great way to stay educated and informed in the field of your...
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Podcasts on the go! #4
Podcasts are magazine subscriptions for your ears. They are an easy and great way to stay educated and informed in the field of your...
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Why is coworking spaces important for the local economy?
You might have heard about Coworking, but it is much more than resources and a place to do business. It’s a community and its the future...
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13 Reasons Why! - A millennial Left their workplace.
Millennials are different from those that have gone before, they are also more numerous than any soon-to-retire Baby Boomer generation....
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What's your Ikigai?
The literal translation is it’s composed of two Japanese words: iki referring to life, and kai, which roughly means the realisation of...
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